Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

For the 2025-2026 school year, all decisions are made by the end of day on Friday, March 7, 2025 before Spring Break. For rolling admissions, see the next question.

We have rolling admissions throughout the year. Please visit our admissions page at to start the process. If your child does not already have an updated (within the last two years) FIE (full individual evaluation) or a comprehensive psychological-educational evaluation, we highly recommend that you make an appointment in order to not delay the admissions process.

Thank you for your interest! Take a tour with us! To register for a tour visit It is also helpful to submit a full psycho-educational evaluation that has been completed within the last two years to Mallary Lattanze, Director of Admissions at You can learn more about the admissions process and the evaluations by visiting

Yes! We offer a variety of extracurricular activities at Tuttle, including student council, athletics (including participation in Special Olympics), community-based instruction (CBI), workforce, music, art, Friends 4 Life and Lunch Bunch (clubs between The Tuttle School and The Briarwood School), and on- and off-campus jobs. Learn more by visiting and

Small class sizes help to ensure that attention is individualized and focused on helping our students to develop the skills necessary to achieve independence in social and academic settings. Class sizes vary based on enrollment numbers for the current year. We strive to have ten or fewer students in our blended (not based on age) classes.

We have a dedicated Speech and Language Pathologist for The Tuttle School. The Speech and Language Department screens all newly enrolled students to determine if an evaluation is warranted. Should an evaluation be recommended and space be available, parents will be contacted about enrolling their child in Speech and Language Therapy on campus during school hours. Teachers and parents also refer students to our department throughout the school year. There is an additional fee associated with Speech and Language Therapy.

The Tuttle School offers a certificate of completion instead of a high school diploma. It also offers students a range of activities and experiences to support students intellectual, emotional, physical, and social development while preparing them for life after Tuttle by teaching functional academics and life skills.

We have a nurse available on campus to assist students throughout the school day. We provide a safe and supportive environment where students are matched with the right peers and qualified teachers. 

Students learn how to safely navigate different social and community settings in classes like Life Zones and Work Force.

The Tuttle School screening process takes one to five days. This process collects additional data to help us better understand your child for admissions and placement decisions. Students will participate in classroom activities to observe how they adjust to our school environment throughout the day.

Screeners do not diagnose nor take the place of an evaluation. An evaluation is a comprehensive assessment of the student’s strengths, weaknesses, and overall functioning. A comprehensive evaluation would include: cognitive abilities, academic achievement, information processing, social and emotional functioning, behavioral assessment, sensory and motor skills, adaptive functioning, psychological processing, and educational and developmental history.

A Full Individual Evaluation (FIE) is also accepted. FIEs can be completed both by your zoned public school or by a private educational diagnostician.

The evaluation helps us determine if your child is the right fit for Tuttle and must have been completed within the last two years. Please send the evaluation to Mallary Lattanze, Director of Admissions at

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