Our goal is to provide students with intellectual and developmental disabilities a safe environment that celebrates their differences in academic, social, and emotional abilities while empowering them to be as independent as possible in the community.

Materials & Assessments

Monthly lessons and materials address critical reading, writing, math, science, and social studies skills. Tuttle faculty continuously seek out, review, and educate themselves on new evidence-based materials that best meet our students’ needs. Along with Unique Learning Systems (ULS), Tuttle uses a variety of supplemental materials and assessments on an individual basis listed below:

  • Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills: A curriculum guide and skills tracking system for children with language delays
  • Brigance Inventory: Comprehensive assessment and screening tool that meets state standards and supports individualized instructional planning for Early Development, Basic Academic Skills, Transition Skills
  • Treatment and Education of Autistic and Communication Handicapped Children (TEACCH): Structured teaching environment including physical and visual structures, schedules, and independent work systems. The TEACCH program implementation in Tuttle is consistent, from the youngest to the oldest, across all classrooms and specialty classes

Reading/Language Arts

  • Hand Writing Without Tears (HWOT)
  • News-2-You
  • Edmark Reading Program

Science/Social Studies and Skills

  • Social Stories
  • Science Spin
  • Scholastic News
  • Social Thinking- Zones of Regulation


  • Manipulatives
  • Unique Learning System
  • Touch Math

Web-Based Learning Resources

  • Boardmaker Online
  • Gynzy
  • iPads
  • Chromebooks
  • Proloquo2Go
  • Raz-kids
  • Reading A-Z
  • Smart Boards
  • Vizzle
  • Mobi Max
  • Learning Ally
Life Zones

Tuttle School Life Zones class focuses on four zones in the class. We focus on teaching functional living skills as well as social pragmatic communication. Core skills taught in this class include the following: social and communication, hygiene and grooming, housekeeping, healthy food and nutrition. 

The goal for the class is to move students toward independence in these skills. The class includes a variety of lessons on the skills as well as hands-on training by cooking, cleaning and interacting with one another. Through repetition of the skills, prompts are faded over time to help the students become more independent.

Life Zones Learning

Hygiene and Grooming


Social and Communication

Communication has been incorporated into the Life Zones class and curriculum to help students generalize language skills in the natural setting. Students receive direct lessons on pragmatic language and communication; however, it is also being incorporated into their day-to-day tasks within the classroom setting. Students learn basic skills of food preparation, personal health, and general housekeeping. Additionally, the Life Zones class teaches students to practice taking turns, manage emotions, and interact appropriately with peers and teachers.

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